Access Virus C Samples

Access Virus C SynthesizerThe, German company, Access released their Virus desktop synth-module, generally known as the Virus A, in 1997. The virtual analog synth was, virtually, an overnight hit and it quickly became known for having an aggressive edge often lacking in the synthesisers of the day. Being a purely digital synth the first incarnation has its limitations and as the spftware was updated on a regular basis it became necessary for Access to update their hardware, first with the Virus B which was followed by the Virus C in 2002. Today the Virus remains as popular as ever with various users having personal preferences as to which release they prefer.


Our Virus C Budget Sample Collection

We chose to sample the Virus C and the model sampled was our Access VirusRack XL. We sampled the third bank (bank C) of the Rack XL for our first sample collection. We took over 2,000 samples of 126 patches (one patch made no sound as it was intended for sounds coming into the unit via the external input).



Access Virus C Synthesizer   CLICK TO BUY AT GUMROAD

126 Virus C sound patches at 24-Bit resolution

PRICE: £9.99

[Download via Gumroad]


Virus C Sounds Sampled In Budget Collection 001

Below is a list of the Virus C sounds which we sampled to create collection 1.

Voices/Patches BANK 001:

BANK 3      

00C 000 AutoBendBC
00C 001 Avenues JS
00C 002 Back280sSV
00C 003 BC NewVoV
00C 004 BlkvelvtSV
00C 005 B-SquareBC
00C 006 BusysawsSV
00C 007 ChilloutJS
00C 008 ChrunchyJS
00C 009 ClubbassSV
00C 010 ClubtoolBC
00C 011 Comm basSV
00C 012 CommerseSV
00C 013 Contra BC
00C 014 CosmicbasSV
00C 015 CreameryBC
00C 016 Cyclone JS
00C 017 Da Funk BC
00C 018 Dawn JS
00C 019 Decay JS
00C 020 Deep9thsBC
00C 021 Devlish SV
00C 022 DHR Amb BC
00C 023 Digedi JS
00C 024 Driver SV
00C 025 Drmswpr SV
00C 026 Duffer BC
00C 027 Edgy JS
00C 028 Etheral SV
00C 029 Far EastJS
00C 030 FatWah BC
00C 031 Five iniBC

00C 032 FlyBy BC
00C 033 FnkNastyBC
00C 034 Freno BC
00C 035 Fripper JS
00C 036 Future XSV
00C 037 FuturwldSV
00C 038 GarBass8BC
00C 039 Girls SV
00C 040 Glassey SV
00C 041 Goatic SV
00C 042 GoindownSV
00C 043 GoodniteJS
00C 044 Gulf JS
00C 045 Hifive SV
00C 046 HOA Pad SV
00C 047 Hollow JS
00C 048 Homeboy JS
00C 049 HongKongBC
00C 050 Hoppin' SV
00C 051 IndiArp BC
00C 052 IntntentSV
00C 053 Jazzy JS
00C 054 JoeZolo BC
00C 055 KatmanduJS
00C 056 KingsizeJS
00C 057 LatitudeSV
00C 058 Let's goSV
00C 059 Lite JS
00C 060 LongskrtSV
00C 061 Maja JS
00C 062 Mamba JS
00C 063 MentalitJS

00C 064 MetalsynJS
00C 065 Move it SV
00C 066 MoveMyMWBC
00C 067 Muzzle BC
00C 068 MWCord BC
00C 069 MystiqueJS
00C 070 NasalbasSV
00C 071 NastyFX JS
00C 072 NewVoV4 BC
00C 073 NoiztoyzJS
00C 074 OddgssaySV
00C 075 OffSoft BC
00C 076 Oil-crwlSV
00C 077 OwWah BC
00C 078 Pathos BC
00C 079 Peace BC
00C 080 Pensive BC
00C 081 Phlute JS
00C 082 Pitchy BC
00C 083 PlaycoolSV
00C 084 Plugged JS
00C 085 Polar JS
00C 086 PolyGrovJS
00C 087 PsuedoTBSV
00C 088 Pulsar SV
00C 089 Q-Pad BC
00C 090 RbbrHrp2BC
00C 091 Red lineSV
00C 092 RefxshnBC
00C 093 RepeaterJS
00C 094 RestlessBC
00C 095 Rezoid SV

00C 096 Rezzer2 BC
00C 097 Rise up!SV
00C 098 RbbrHrpBC
00C 099 Sawz 2 SV
00C 100 Sharp BC
00C 101 S&HOrganBC
00C 102 Sickly BC
00C 103 SilkArp SV
00C 104 SineBassJS
00C 105 SomethngSV
00C 106 SpitfireJS
00C 107 Spoiled SV
00C 108 SpringPdSV
00C 109 Spring SV
00C 110 StellarpSV
00C 111 StickyPdBC
00C 112 SubmergeSV
00C 113 T-Axxe JS
00C 114 Ten InchJS
00C 115 ThirdEarJS
00C 116 Tinycat SV
00C 117 TiptaptuSV
00C 118 T Pot BC
00C 119 TwotoneBC
00C 120 UniVoV BC
00C 121 Vapour SV
00C 122 V-Bells JS
00C 123 VindictrSV
00C 124 Low
00C 125 Not sampled
00C 126 Init
00C 127 START